Thursday, January 6, 2011

SJ 18 - 5 Perspectives

A stair facing downwards. I draw a stair facing upwards in SEM 1 so now I wish I can draw stair that facing downwards. One point persepctive applied. 

A two point perspective of interior design. 

Two point perspective of a building's exterior. Four faces of the building can be see through.

An exterior with two point perspective. 

Another two point perspective of a building's external. 

SJ 14B - Bubble Diagram of my dream house.

The bubble diagram of my dream house. I used thicker line to show that the area is actually more important as compared to the others. 

SJ 12 - 3 different buildings with different concepts.

4 x 4 House. Designed by Architect Tadao Ando. It's designed in 4m x 4m, the maximum dimemsions possible for the site. The concept for this tower is all about SMALL and CUBES.

Church of Light, designed by Tadao Ando. Tadao Ando applied LIGHT as the concept of the church. Other than that, NATURE and CONTRAST OF LIGHT AND SOLID are also the concepts of the church. 

The Falling Water, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. This is a building which actually merge perfectly with the NATURE, the WATER. Besides of the SENSE of SIGHT, SOUND and TOUCH, SEE and HEAR and FEEL the NATURE is also the concept of this building. 

SJ 11 - My favourite item ( iPhone4 )

All about my favourite item, iPhone4. Its all done with actual scale and also, my iPhone4's devil cover. 

SJ 10 - Initial idea of my viewing tower.

This is the initial idea of my viewing tower. I've chosen this out of the other 2 because this is more likely represented my character as in RUBBER, ELASTIC and TWIST-ABLE concept.

SJ 09 - 3 postcards related with Georgetown.

I want to draw something representative Georgetown so i chose Penang Bridge, Komtar, and sea view of Penang. The purpose I used them as my postcards is because they are some of the famous building / representative in Penang. 

SJ 08 - Proposed location of my Tower.

The proposed location of my viewing tower, its located at the middle of our site ( tree ). I planned to put my tower in between 2 branches. 

SJ 07 - 3 Ideas of viewing tower.

The 3 Ideas of my viewing tower. For the first one, i designed it as the concept of steel chain but at the end I found out that the concept shouldn't be an item, but the characteristics of my character. So for the second and third design, I applied few characteristics of LUFFY like active, Jump, Rubber, Twist-able and Elastic. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

SJ 05

Plan for our chosen site,and thumbnail.

Perspective from our site..

SJ 04b

Templates..sorry its SYMBOLS not system,LOL!

Templates page2..

SJ 04a

In a group of 5,we chosen Tadao Ando as our architect.I've chosen his Pulitzer Foundation for the Art,as known as PFA.It is a deceptively simple composition of space and light.Mr.Tadao Ando himself thinks of the building as a "place of possibility" or a "place of mutual discovery."
Site plan

Plan view



SJ 03a

Taylor's plan..i used to draw BLOCK A for my internal perspective =D

2 Point perspective,I capture this from car park,its commercial block..

One point perspective

One point perspective

SJ 02a/b

Different type of strokes

I used short strokes,cross-hatching on this dog..

I used cross-hatching on leaves,scribbles on the huge branch and also,pointilism on the moon..

Perspective with short strokes..

Monday, October 11, 2010

SJ 01

Monkey D.Luffy,a Japan's comic - ONE PIECE's main character.

Jerry,the mouse,an enemy,or sometimes friend for Tom,the cat.TOM & JERRY,our childhood memories =D

I think everyone know him well.Crayon Shin-Chan,5 year old kid with ... mind. =)