Thursday, January 6, 2011

SJ 12 - 3 different buildings with different concepts.

4 x 4 House. Designed by Architect Tadao Ando. It's designed in 4m x 4m, the maximum dimemsions possible for the site. The concept for this tower is all about SMALL and CUBES.

Church of Light, designed by Tadao Ando. Tadao Ando applied LIGHT as the concept of the church. Other than that, NATURE and CONTRAST OF LIGHT AND SOLID are also the concepts of the church. 

The Falling Water, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. This is a building which actually merge perfectly with the NATURE, the WATER. Besides of the SENSE of SIGHT, SOUND and TOUCH, SEE and HEAR and FEEL the NATURE is also the concept of this building. 

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